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in Academic Study, Performing Arts, Sport and Practical Learning



Excellence in

Performing Arts



Excellence in

Practical Learning



The Langton curriculum will continue to develop into KS4.  The programme of enrichment will be focussed during 2 hours weekly development slots.




Academic Excellence

Supporting the gifted and talented

The Canterbury Academy identifies the academically gifted and talented students across the school to provide stretch and challenge both within the formal curriculum and through extra-curricular and enrichment activities.


The school is partnered with ‘The Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys’ where the grammar school curriculum is studied, by boys and girls, and teaching focuses on real pace and challenge within a comprehensive school environment.



Students are selected based on their KS2 data, primary school reports and the Kent Test results.  Students can move in or out of the Langton stream depending on their progress, so that gifted and talented students can be identified and supported throughout their school career.


The Langton cohort students are in grammar school streamed classes for maths, science, English, modern foreign languages, history and geography. These subjects are quality assured by senior teachers from both The Canterbury Academy and The Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys.



To ensure the Langton cohort students are stimulated and challenged outside the classroom as well as within the formal curriculum, we offer a schedule of extra provision liinked to the grammar school.


In science, maths and English we offer bespoke enrichment activities. There are a number of activities that take place throughout the year, for example:


  • Gifted & talented science students in years 7 and 8 took part in a focussed day on laboratory work and DNA


  • Year 8 maths students were tasked with designing the most competitive car for Formula One


  • English students took part in poetry workshops allowing them to explore existing texts and their own interests in creativ writing

For further information and enquiries please contact Mr Fox using the direct email form below,

or telephone: 01227 463971.



Mr T Fox
Senior Vice Principal Langton
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