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The middle school at The Canterbury Academy has over 600 students. It helps students make the transition from primary to secondary education by providing dedicated staffing, areas for our new year 7 and systems of support and guidance. It also prepares them for examinations and qualifications in the senior school.


Boys and girls whose ability is academic will join our grammar school band which works in partnership with Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys’.  Students who join us for music or the performing arts will benefit from our specialised provision.  Students who join us because of their ability in sport will benefit from our expertise and outstanding facilities.  Students whose gifts are practical will benefit from the range of opportunities.  Students who need support will benefit from specialised intervention. Students who have a particular gift or talent will benefit from our personalised programmes.


The Canterbury Academy offers a wealth of opportunity and believes every child is good at something. Thus, in the middle school we do offer as much as possible, as often as possible, for as many as possible as we seek to build upon what our students are good at or to find out what that is.

For further information please use the direct email form opposite.

Head of Middle School
Mrs A. Banbery


The Canterbury Primary School


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