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Values & Ethos


The Canterbury High School will work towards ensuring that every child will:


  • Be safe

  • Be healthy

  • Enjoy and achieve

  • Make a positive contribution to their community

  • Achieve economic well being


The Canterbury High School aims to provide the highest possible quality education for its students by focussing upon learning and teaching so that all our students become:


  • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

  • Confident individuals who are able to live a safe, healthy and fulfilling life

  • Active and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to the

      well-being of present and future generations.


'Pride in ourselves and our school.  Respect for others and the environment.'


We believe that success is best achieved when it is built upon an open and supportive partnership between our students, parents, staff and Board of Directors (governors).


We believe that every young person is special.  We recognise each student has their own unique personality and special talents.  We believe every student has something to offer.

We believe that all students have the right to feel secure and be able to work and develop their potential.  


We believe every student deserves the opportunity to achieve. Our systems are designed to reflect and support these beliefs.  The schools' codes of conduct provide a framework for this to occur.

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