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The Canterbury Academy is proud to support the Friends of North Kigezi Diocese.


This charity carries out valuable work in Uganda providing homes, care and education for orphaned and needy children in the North Kigezi Diocese.


Reverend Canon Ken Berkin runs the charity in the UK, creating awareness of the mission outreach work carried out by the charity in Uganda.


To find out information on the incredible work being carried out, the people of the North Kigezi Diocese and how you can support this organisation, please click the leaflet opposite.


The link will take you to the FNKD website which provides updates on the work being carried out and information on how to support, sponsor and donate to this very worthy cause.


Each of The Canterbury High School's houses sponsors a specific child and receives regular updates on their well-being and progress.  Each house takes part and organises regular fund raising events for these and other worthy charitable organisations.


For information on the children sponsored

by our house system, click link opposite:

Adopted Charity

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