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Art and Textile Day

Canterbury High School Year 9 and Year 10 students were invited to attend a pilot Art and Textile day run by Christ Church University. The trip provided an excellent opportunity for our students to experience a taste of university life, visit a gallery and participate in an Art & Textile session working with a professional artist.

Throughout the day the students were fantastic ambassadors for our school, engaging in all the activities and producing high quality artwork.

The students enjoyed their afternoon at the Sidney Cooper Centre visiting the Christ Church University Graduate Art exhibition and then working with local artist Ruth McDonald in a Lino and Silkscreen printing workshop.

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Danielle said "I found the trip educational and helped a lot with my studies"

Maia said " I liked doing the screen printing and learning about University"

Caitlin said " I don't think anything could be changed to improve it!"

Megan said "it has made me want to do Art and see where it takes me"

Please congratulate the following students if you see them around school:

Terri Voller. Danielle Fagg. Shannon Langley. Caitlin Jones. Maia Fielder. Caitlin Griggs. Megan Austen. Molly Carter. Laura Manning. Milly Collison. Rhianna Bowley. Jessie Cloughley & Olly Newton.


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