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Architecture Summer School

Last week 11 of our year 9 students took part in a three day Architecture Summer School at the Kent University. They worked to a brief where they had to design and build a model of a house and workplace for a person of their choice e.g. athlete, artist, chef, pilot, vet etc.

They worked alongside students from other local schools from years 8 through to sixth form. Their models were presented at the end of the third day to create a community.

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Our students were praised by the university staff for their maturity and enthusiasm towards the project and they are looking forward to working with more of our students again next year.

Please congratulate the following students if you see them:

Rhys Bundock

Alex Wilson

Dill Aitchison

Orlando Sparks

Morgan Rolfe

Joe Abbott

Joel Stroud

Louie Adams

James Thomsett

Kelvin Kong

Morgan Weinel


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