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The GCSE media studies combines academic and production tasks. The course consists of two coursework units and one exam which is divided into two sections; section A and Section B.


The coursework elements consist of:


B321: The Individual Media Studies Portfolio


Controlled assessment: 30% of the total GCSE marks.


Students produce an individual portfolio containing a comparative analytical assignment, a production exercise and a planning and

evaluative commentary. The comparative analytical assignment is based on at least two media texts from a selection of set topics produced by OCR.


B324: Production Portfolio in Media Studies


Controlled assessment: 30% of the total GCSE marks.


Students can either work individually or in groups to produce a major practical production from a selection of set briefs. Within this, each individual produces their own evidence of research and planning alongside an individual evaluation of their finished product.

Media Studies provides a good blend of practical 'hands-on’ work through the  production of short films, animations, documentaries and photography as well as analytical approaches to investigation of the popular media.  


The nature of the course and the topics within it require a sense of students to be independent learners as well as keen to work with other students to work to tight deadlines.  This subject is only available in Senior School and Sixth Form.


B322: EXAM Textual Analysis and Media Studies Topic (Moving Image)


The exam will consist of the following:


40% of the total GCSE

1 hour 45 minutes written paper

80 marks


This is an examined unit where students in Section A analyse

and respond to a short, unseen moving image extract.


In Section B, students answer questions based on Institution and Audience through the study of Television Comedy and/or Radio Comedy texts chosen by the school.



Media Studies offer the students the BTEC Level 3 in Film and TV Production. It is broadly equivalent to two GCE A Levels.


In Year 12 the students will be placed on the subsidiary diploma pathway and complete a variety of theoretical and practical units. This is broadly equivalent to one GCE A-Level.


In year 13, students complete further coursework units to allow them to complete the full diploma.


This is a coursework-based course and currently there is no exam. All coursework is internally assessed and moderated as well as being externally moderated. 

SENIOR SCHOOL - iMEDIA Cambridge Nationals


The iMEDIA course consists of four units. Each unit has equal weighting of 25% of the final qualification that is graded as Pass, Merit or Distinction.


The four units of study includes two core units, one of which is an externally moderated exam, and an choice of two optional units. Please note, students will complete all three and submit their best two.


Unit RO81        EXAM               Pre-Production Skills

Unit RO82        CORE               Creating Digital Graphics

Unit RO84        OPT                  Storytelling with a Comic Strip

Unit RO89        OPT                  Creating a Digital Video Sequence

Unit RO90        OPT                  Digital Photography

Media Studies


  • Media Studies

  • Film Studies

Media studies is only available at Senior School level and offered as both a GCSE and Cambridge Nationals. Media and film studies are also available in the sixth form offering both AS/A2 Levels and BTEC qualifications.  See below for full details.








The AS/A Level Film Studies follows the WJEC specification.

There are 4 units completed across 2 years.

The first year consists of two units (FM1 & FM2), one of which is internally assessed coursework and the other is an externally assessed exam.


The second year also consists of two units (FM3 & FM4), one of which is internally assessed coursework and the other is an externally assessed exam.



Contact Mrs Swain using the direct email form.


Information & Enquiries

Mrs C Swain:
Director of Teaching & Learning
Vocation & Society

Thank you for your enquiry, we will respond as soon as possible.

A Level Film Studies was introduced in September 2014 due to the success and popularity of media in KS4 and KS5. 


The course is an academic course and students will need to have an interest in the theory of film and also an interest in practical elements.



“Film is both a powerful communication medium and an art form. Creation, presentation and study of film requires courage, passion and curiosity: courage to create individually and as part of a team, to explore ideas through action and harness the imagination, and to experiment; passion to communicate and to act communally, and to research and formulate ideas eloquently; curiosity about self and others and the world, about different traditions, techniques and knowledge, about the past and the future, and about the limitless possibilities of human expression through the art form.”

The Canterbury Primary School

Year 12: AS Film Studies


FM1: Exploring Film Form (20%)

Students will learn how the micro features (sound, editing, cinematograpghy, mise-en-scene) are employed in film to create meaning through watching short clips and . they will use this understanding to carry out a micro analysis of their chosen film before demonstrating their ability to employ the micro features cratively either through story boarding, creating an extended step outline of a short text. Students will finally reflect on how effectively they have doen this.


FM2: British & American Film (30%)

The exam is divided into three sections:

  1. Students will prepare for this exam unit by learning about the role of producers and audiences within the film industry.

  2. Students will use a minimum of two key texts to discuss topics in British film employing key film theory such as the representation of crime in British film.

  3. Students will also study two key texts, chosen by the teacher, to carry out a US film comparative study within the area of genre. 



Year 13: A2 Film Studies


FM3: Film Research & Creative Projects (25%)

Students will begin this unit in the summer term of Year 12. Students will have to carry out a small scale research project based around relevant film debates and topics. All students work independantly on their own topic.

Students will then employ all of their learning so far to create a short screenplay before reflecting on their production.



FM4: Variety of Film Experiences (25%)

This exam is divided into three sections:

  1. Students will consider issues and debates within world cinema whilst analysing films from different cultures

  2. Students will study issues and debates of spectatorship within the film industry applying known film theory.

  3. Critical Study. This is an extended study of one text that is chosen by your teacher. This will involve extensive indivudal study to contriute to class discussions, current issues and film theory.


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